Wet Processing Project

Client: Leo Pharma

Project description: The development consisted of an extension to the existing pharmaceuticals manufacturing facility a new 2 storey main production building, employee
changing room facilities and fit out of several rooms within existing
production buildings.

 Scope: ServStream acted as the client representative for the civil, structural and architectural (CSA) scope

  • Managed the co-ordination of the Civil, Structural & Architectural work package and site QA in conjunction with the project team.
  • Assisted in the management of the project schedule in conjunction with Planners, Project Managers, Sub-Contractors and Consulting Engineers/Architects etc.
  • Managed sub-contractor activities including tracking progress against schedule and manpower levels.
  • Liaised with design team and project co-ordinators to ensure necessary information, as required by construction team, was prioritised where necessary and issued in accordance with the construction schedule.
  • Answered RFIs and reviewed submittals from the CSA contractor.
  • Attended turnover walkdowns of CSA systems, highlighting quality and non conformance issues.
  • Reviewed handover documentation from contractors.